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Guinea Pig Laser Neuter Surgery

2010 December 5
Guinea Pig

Harvey the Guinea Pig

Guinea Pigs Need Surgery, Too (Sometimes)

Harvey peered at Doc Springer through the mesh in his carrier door. His
cheeks bulged back and forth as he chewed his Timothy hay. His orange
and white ruffled fur stuck out different directions on hs shoulders
and haunches.

Three children watched their 2 1/4 pound pet and nervously offered
their questions.

“The oldest Guinea Pig I’ve known was Einstein.  He lived in Maine, USA.  I didn’t believe he was nine.  But when we calculated the time since the kids met him as their kindergarten class pet and took him home at the end of that school year, well, nine years had passed!” said Doc Springer.

“Can Guinea Pigs purr?”

“Yes. It means they’re happy.”

Relieved, Harvey’s middle sister relaxed and said, “I knew it!”

The oldest daughter started to feel more comfortable in the animal hospital and with Doc Springer,”You mean we shouldn’t feed him apples? We feed him apples 3-4 times a day.”

“Apples are a treat he really doesn’t need. Kind of like donuts for us. He really should not eat apples or fruit more than once a week,” said Doc Springer.

“Will he be okay after his surgery?” said the youngest of the three.

Doc said,”The most critical time is directly after surgery.  Harvey needs to eat all day long, like a little mouse-cow. We’ll let him have his hay immediately after surgery to help the fermentation vat he calls a healthy stomach.”

Harvey’s neuter surgery went smoothly. The surgical laser kept bleeding to almost nothing. After surgery, the laser helped reduce the amount of painkillers the little cavy needed.

Benefits of Laser Surgery

  • Less Bleeding
  • Less Pain
  • Less Pain Medication after surgery

“He’s eating!” said Harvey’s nurse 5 minutes after anesthesia recovery.

May Harvey live a long, healthy life! While most Guinea Pigs live 5-6 years, Doc Springer’s oldest Guinea Pig patient, Einstein, loved to a ripe old age of nine!

Laser Surgeries Commonly Performed

  • Dog Neuter –  especially older dogs who are prone to more bleeding and scrotal hematoma with conventional scalpel surgery
  • Cat Declaw –  You want Laser Declaw for your cats!  Benefits of Laser surgery include: no tourniquet around the foreleg during surgery, virtually no bleeding, very little pain, fast healing, no uncomfortable bandages needed!!!!  Much, much less painkiller medication to give in the days following the surgery
  • Cat Neuter –  less pain, no bleeding
  • Cat Spay –  Calm, happy cat during post-op
  • Dog Spay –  relaxed, resting dog after surgery
  • Guinea Pig Neuter and spay
  • Sugar Glider Neuter and Spay –  **highly recommend Laser surgery for these delicate animals so they are not so inclined to eat the incision after surgery and to minimize the e collar (lampshade) they will have to wear
  • Rabbit Spays, Neuters and Lump removal surgery – like the Sugar Gliders, rabbits like to eat stitches or edges of their fur and skin after surgery.  The laser helps them barely notice the healing incision.
  • Laser can be used for Lump Removals on Dogs or other pets, especially if they are benign and don’t have to be looked at by a specialist under the microscope.
  • Lick Granulomas –  laser to the area, no bleeding, faster healing
  • Excessive Eye Tearing  —  we can perform a tear duct flush and medial canthectomy.  The Laser shrinks the skin by the corner of the inside of the eyelids to roll the eyelids out so little hairs stop rubbing the eyes and causing extra tears on the face,  The laser lets the surgeon cut as little or as much skin as needed for a perfect effect.
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