Uncomfortable Smelly Tumor Removed on 14-Year Old Golden Retriever
Tucker needed surgery. Not because he would die without surgery. Not because he was miserable. Tucker needed surgery because the smelly lump/bump/mass THING growing under his left armpit on the front of his chest had just gotten totally out of control!
Two years has passed since Tucker was diagnosed with a benign (read: not spreading inside his body) skin growth by his left armpit. The lump was cauliflower shaped, pink and white, maybe 1-2 inches across. It really did not bother him, and his human mom elected to leave it be for the time. At twelve years old, Tucker was not young for a Golden Retriever and his mom felt he would be happier and stronger of she took a “wait and see” approach to the lump. In medicine, doctors call this approach “benign neglect.”
“Benign neglect is a term doctors use when a problem or condition is not life-threatening and appears stable. It refers to the approach of monitor without treatment. Most people would call it, wait and see,” says Doc Truli.
Forward two years. Tucker’s mom was laid off from her formerly fabulous publishing job, she lost her husband to divorce, and her house to foreclosure. Literally, she was living out of her car with Tucker, and would stay at friends’ houses when they welcomed her. And the lump grew larger.
The lump became about 9 inches across, it smelled infected, and Tucker seemed tired and self-conscious of the stink emanating from under his left front leg. Boy, Tucker’s mom wished she would’ve had the surgery years before.
After meeting a veterinarian who is a friend of Doc Truli’s, she mentioned Tucker’s problem. The friendly doctor visited her car, brought her non-perishable groceries, water, and gas for her tank. He shaved and cleaned the lump. But still, he did not own his own hospital, and Tucker needed surgery.
So he called his friend at Doc Truli’s hospital. Everyone met and agreed to perform surgery and take care of Tucker’s surgery at no charge to Tucker’s bankrupt mom! Where do you hear of this kind of generosity in this day and age?
The surgery went smoothly, Tucker’s lump is gone and the skin healed smooth and neat. Tucker feels like he’s 10 again!
We all need to pull together in this economy. Life is more important than money.
U R all amazing thankz for sharing and for all the hope 🙂