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Routine Preventative Care

Routine Preventative Care


Younger pets should have a full physical exam annually. Older pets should have an exam once every six months and sooner if a problem arises. Holistic pets will benefit from 5x/ year visits to adjust and optimize for the 5 seasons of the Chinese calendar.


Our vaccination protocol is customized to each pet’s personal exposure and risk. We educate our clients about the various vaccinations available and then determine if the benefits of inoculation outweigh the risks. Routine vaccines for dogs include: Rabies, Distemper combo (distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus, hepatitis, and parainfluenza), Leptospirosis, Lyme, Influenza and Bordetella (Kennel Cough vaccine). Routine vaccines for cats include Rabies, Distemper combo (Panleukopenia, Calici, and Rhinotracheitis), and Leukemia.

english golden retreiver

english golden retriever

Deworming and Fecal Checks

Parasitic zoonoses are diseases caused by parasites. While we normally associate parasites, such as roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms with cats and dogs, people can accidentally be infected with the same parasites. Regular deworming is the best way to prevent parasitic disease and the transmission of intestinal parasites from pets to people. It also prevents the shedding of parasite eggs, which contaminate yards or any place a pet defecates.

We recommend that every pet receive two rounds of broad spectrum deworming at least once annually. The two rounds are set three weeks apart. Puppies, kittens, and pets that test positive for internal parasites may require several rounds of deworming.

Routine Bloodwork

All kittens should be tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodefiency Virus (FIV). This test should be repeated annually for all cats that have previously tested positive, go outdoors, or have symptoms.

Did you know?

Florida and Texas have more heartworms than any other states in the United States? Dogs must be tested yearly to ensure the preventatives are working.  Cats need no test unless they are ill because one worm can cause feline asthma and emphysema without even showing on a test.  All cats in Florida, whether indoor or out, must take monthly heartworm preventative.

We also recommend comprehensive bloodwork annually for all pets over the age of seven.  The lab that processes over 80% of the lab work for the US, reports that 1 out of 3 cats and dogs 7 or older has abnormalities on the blood work without showing any signs of illness.

Preventative Medications

We recommend that all dogs and cats be on yearly prevention for heartworm, fleas, and many need tick prevention. .


Dr. Sandra Truli Springer, VMD, CVA, CVFT, CVTP, CVCH, CTCVMP

“Truli holistic veterinary services” | Care provided in your home!

Greater Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

Call toll-free  1 (877) DR TRULI  |  (877) 378-785