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Top Ten Spoiled Pet Stories

2009 October 20

Doc Truli’s definition of spoiling your pet: “Your pet is spoiled if you are doing something for your pet that you do not want to be doing.” Therefore, technically speaking, none of these pets are spoiled.

1.  After his Sunday afternoon bath, 6-year old golden brown Pekingese named Pirulli sits in a children’s shopping car-cart and is pushed around his back yard for an hour while he dries. “Because he likes it!” says his retired dad.

This same gentleman is the author of my favorite line a client has ever told me.

“Your dog lost 2 pounds!”

“Don’t worry, doc. He’ll find it again!”

2.  7-year old orange-eyed black Persian named Fuzzy sits on the coffee table inside a hand made pottery dish, tilts his chin up, and eats pieces of meat from his mom’s fingers, one by one. (This is actually not spoiling. His face is so flat, he cannot pick up food from a dish.)

3. Gorgeous, 10-year-old full coat, black and tan Yorkie named Paris is having trouble losing weight. I wonder why? Could it be the frois gras , chopped walnuts, and filet mignon she eats straight from her mother’s mouth? (Doc Truli would never have guessed such an abundance of high fat snacks if Paris’ dad hadn’t snitched on her and her mom!)

4.  9-year-old Tomcat wanders into animal hospital.  He’s adopted, named Timone, and ensconced, usually, on the office printer, or sometimes, the computer monitor.  If there is a warm lap available, he will shed black and white short fur all over the lap and purr in appreciation (no suit color is immune.)  The spoiling?  Boston Market chicken every day at lunch!  Sometimes his veterinary benefactor forgets to eat lunch and has to make a special trip to made sure Timone gets his treat.

5)  Albino catfish named Jerry eats his three meals a day from his dad’s hand.  Not so spoiled?  Wait!  Then Jerry swims up for his full body massage after each meal!

6.  Nascar, the Scarlett Macaw, adjusted to his dad’s new wife.  New wife and husband built 6 car bay, 1 master bedroom, 1 Macaw bedroom house.  Wasted Macaw Bedroom.  Nascar sleeps on lime green pillow between his parents’ heads every night!

7.  4 pound domestic short-hair white barn cat named Minou takes her seat at the table every night, complete with her own plate.  Choice morsels of meat are placed in front of her.  Minou licks her white whiskers and looks beseechingly at her mom.  Mom places Minou’s plate on the floor.  Minou jumps down, licks plate clean, and goes off to the living room for an after-dinner bath.  She never touches the table in 15 years!

8.  8-week-old black Scottish Terrier pup named McGregor needs to travel from birthplace on US West Coast to new home on US East Coast.  Enter courier, and 2 first class transcontinental airplane tickets.  McGregor’s dad chuckles, “It cost more to get him home than he cost in the first place!”

Black Scottie

Scottie McGregor Nervous at Doc Truli's


9. Black Labrador Retriever pup sees Doc Truli for first veterinary visit.  She already has a private trainer, pool, puppy custom playground, 7 sets of matching collars and shirts, organic shampoos and house call groomer, and organic, whole foods delivered to the door!  Spoiled?  Doc Truli says, “If you can, and you want to, it’s not spoiling.”

10.  2-year-old human wearing brown corduroy pants, a yellow shirt with brown trim sits on a back porch step in England holding open cat food can Scruffy Jones, a brown tabby Maine Coon cat waits in rapt attention facing child. Child reaches into can, pulls out handful of cat food and feeds cat, “One for Kitty.” Reaches in can again, “One for Baby.” Father films episode on Super-8 hand-held movie camera. At age 20, child realizes father opened cat food, gave to child, and let child and cat eat whole can of food whilst filming.  Child enters veterinary college, becomes Doc Truli.

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