Alternatives to Declawing Cats
2011 September 12
by JLaw
Declawing is an Option, not a Necessity
Do you feel hesitant to declaw your cat? Did you know there are alternatives to declawing?
Your other solutions for the claws are to trim the claws regularly (every 3-4 weeks is best because new sharp claws grow every 3-6 weeks, depending on the cat.)
There’s also Soft Paws or Soft Claws (they are the best price direct from the company, you can google it). They are latex tips that can be glued on the claws so they won’t scratch of damage anything. They are around $15-$25 a pack and they last for about 6 months, again, depending on how fast the claws grow in your cat. We sell the clear ones in medium and small sizes.
Tips for purchasing Soft Paws for your cat
- Buy colors. The clear ones are difficult to see when they fall off. If you buy colors, they are fun and they are easy to see when they need replacement.
- Buy different colors for different cats. If you get red for one cat and black for another, then, when you see a red Soft Paw in the hallway, you immediately know which cat needs a replacement!
- If your cat is at the borderline of the size ranges, buy 2 packs for that cat. That way, you can mix and match the sizes for a better fit!
Scratching Post Etiquette
Did you know that a cat must have proper scratching materials or else it is natural for them to scratch at your stuff? Some cats are cardboard lovers, fabric cats, sisal rope cats, carpet cats, or plywood cats.
The scratchers need to be big enough for the cat to get a full front leg body stretch. Some cats prefer to stretch on the ground, so you lay the scratcher flat, some prefer up vertically, so you can attach carpet samples to a wall, or buy a scatch post that DOES NOT WOBBLE and is sturdy for stretching and scratching.
When you first place a scratch post, it should be in a high-traffic noticeable location. After your cat likes it, then you can slowly, over weeks, move it into a corner or a more visually pleasing location in the room. This is called “shaping” the behavior.
Doc Truli’s help is invaluable in assessing your home set-up and designing a plan to train your cat to claw on approved cat scratching areas. Call 877 DR TRULI to inquire about a house call cat comfort evaluation today.
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