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Pet First Aid/Evacuation Checklist

Every pet needs an Emergency/Evac Checklist

Keep emergency supplies by the Parent’s Bed, or at the Door to the Outside of the Residence.  Hurricane, Earthquake, Fire, whatever it is, you will want to plan ahead to take your pets with you, and they will need documentation and supplies.

First Aid Checklist

  • New bottle of hydrogen peroxide, USP 3%, to induce vomiting
  • Turkey baster, or large needle-less syringe to administer peroxide according to your vet’s instructions (approx 2mL/lb of dog, by mouth, repeat if no puke in 15 minutes)
    • There are important situations in which you should never induce vomiting: sharp objects, caustic substances, call your vet for advice!
  • Saline eye wash
  • Artificial tear ointment or gel
  • Mild grease-cutting dishwashing liquid (like Dawn) for removing oil and toxic residue
  • Forceps (tweezers), handy for removing splinters, glass, stingers
  • Muzzle (to protect you from fear-induced biting, also calms many pets so you can examine the problem areas better)

Download Your Own Customizable Checklist: VirtuaVet Pet First Aid Checklist

Check Item Where Best Obtained Cost
Hydrogen peroxide 3% USP Pharmacy or medical supply
Turkey baster or needle-less 12 cc syringe Supermarket or vet’s
Saline Eye Wash Pharmacy or medical supply
Artificial tear ointment Pharmacy, med supply, vet’s
Mild grease-cutting detergent (Dawn) Supermarket
Forceps (tweezers) Pharmacy, med or beauty supply
Muzzle Pet Store
Bandages/guaze/Medical tape Medical supply
Triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) Pharmacy or med supply
Doc Truli's Pet First Aid Checklist

Download VirtuaVet’s Pet First Aid Checklist

Tru Tip:  Medical supply stores carry fascinating, useful inventory like packages of bandages, non-stick medical tape, guaze pads, cotton balls, those cool long cotton swabs the vet uses, inexpensive absorbent pads for potty training(without the hormone to make them go on the pad), all at bulk-rate prices. These are still retail to the public, but far, far less costly than a packet of 4 sterile guaze sponges from a major chain pharmacy.

Look for stores selling wheelchairs, oxygen, and other home health supplies. These stores sell the good stuff at good prices. They usually name themselves “Blah Blah Town Medical Supply.” Just look it up; you will be thrilled you did!


  • Your pet should have a tattoo or microchip identification.  You can register your address, a family member (I recommend someone out-of-state in case of a large-scale disaster), and your veterinarian.
  • Bring a current valid copy of your pet’s rabies vaccine and local county or city license as applicable.
  • It is always good to keep your own copies of your vet records.  Most states allow veterinarians to stop storing records after 3-5 years, and most vets will discard the records if your pet has been inactive for 3-5 years or more.  (These records are expensive to store!) Florida-licensed veterinarians are required to keep the records for 3 years.


  • Pet carrier
  • Collar, leash for dogs
  • Collapsible Water and Food dishes
  • 3-4 days of canned food (keeps, and can’t get wet and spoil in a flood, etc)
  • A few weeks of your pet’s medication.

A flaw in pet pharmacy law most people do not know about:

  • Unlike pharmacy law for people, there is no emergency pharmacy law for pets.  If your pet runs out of an essential medicine, especially one which causes withdrawal symptoms if stopped suddenly like high-dose prednisone, phenobarbital, prozac, etc., the pharmacist cannot legally give you a few pills to tide you over.  I know this sounds inhumane, but there is a gap in the law which has not been remedied as of this time!  Make sure you call your family veterinarian ahead of a storm or other dire prediction.  Well ahead, everyone else will call, too!

Dr. Sandra Truli Springer, VMD, CVA, CVFT, CVTP, CVCH, CTCVMP

“Truli holistic veterinary services” | Care provided in your home!

Greater Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

Call toll-free  1 (877) DR TRULI  |  (877) 378-7854